Hamilton Drive Numbers, Hillhead

Hamilton Drive also known as North Park Terrace.
1 to 17  & 19 to 26 Hamilton Drive (before 1870) now known as odd numbers 1 to 33 & 53 to 67 Hamilton Drive respectively.
27 Hamilton Drive (before 1870) is now 6 Buckingham Street.
Northpark House was at 18 Hamilton Drive before 1870.
1 to 9 North Park Terrace are now known as odd number 35 to 51 Hamilton Drive respectively.
2 to 16 Hamilton Drive North are now known as even numbers to 30 Hamilton Drive respectively.

Click on the number of Hamilton Drive below which you are interested in.

1     2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13     14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30

31    32    33    35    37    39    41    43    45    47    49    51    53    55    57    59     61    63    65    67     75     76 North Park House     77     79

81     Hillhead Bowling Club

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