Matthew Wylie & Son
MESSRS. MATTHEW WYLIE & SON, Rope and Twine Manufacturers, Meadowbank Ropery, Beith, Ayrshire.
The business of this first-class firm extends to all parts of the world. It was originally established in the Dairy Road over a century ago by Mr. John Wylie, grandfather of the present senior partner, Mr. Matthew Wylie, who has been in it for over fifty years. The fifth generation of the family, in fact, is now represented in the Works. The present extensive premises have been occupied for twelve years and comprise every requisite for carrying on the manufacture of ropes and twines that mechanical ingenuity has yet devised. Special note may be here taken of their cabling and polishing machines, on which Mr. William Wylie has made several important alterations and improvements. The ropewalk is 600 yards long and is roofed with corrugated iron. The large and highly efficient plant is driven by a steam engine of 120-h.p. nominal, and the various operations afford employment to a large staff.
The offices are to the front. Alongside are capacious stores for storing finished and unfinished goods. Ropes and twines of all kinds are made and for every purpose. Only the best Russian and Italian hemp and the finest flaxes are used. The output, we need not say, is of the finest quality. A large trade is controlled with the principal home buyers, in addition to which a great export business is done with America, Africa, and Australia. The prosperity so long enjoyed by this house goes on steadily increasing, and though one of the oldest in the trade in the United Kingdom, it is still green and flourishing. We have no doubt that its future record will bear a favourable comparison with the past, and that the enterprise of the family which has sufficed to raise it to its present distinguished position will not be found lacking in meeting the demands and requirements of the future, be they what they may.
The firm will be pleased at all times to furnish samples of their various products and quote best prices — F.O.B. or F.O.R.
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