John Watt & Co.
MESSRS. JOHN WATT & Co., Manufacturers of Herring, Pilchard, Mackerel, and Shad Nets and Fishing Lines of every description: Kilbirnie, Ayrshire.
The celebrity of this old and leading firm has penetrated, so far as the fishing industry is concerned, to all parts of the world, and it is well within the limits of truth to say that the name of “Watt of Kilbirnie” has been a household word with generations of fishermen who have followed, or follow, their arduous pursuit round the coasts of the United Kingdom. The excellence of the nets and lines of this firm, both as regards quality of material and style of manufacture, is unquestioned by fisher-folk, who are no bad judges, though, perhaps, in some instances, one might be a trifle amused to watch their futile efforts to number the hundreds of finely spun strands that go to make up a deep-sea line no thicker than an infant’s finger. This firm faith of generations of fishermen in “Watt of Kilbirnie” must be even more gratifying than the eminent financial and commercial success of the firm — well deserved as that success has been.
The business was founded by Mr. John Watt in 1848, and under his able control was steadily extended. The premises at present extend over an acre of ground, and comprise two finely equipped rope walks of 100 and 120 yards, together with number of spacious weaving sheds for net making, fitted up with a plant of forty net looms of the newest and best type. In addition there are stock, packing, and despatch departments, with a commodious suite of business offices.
Fishing nets for all kinds of fish and lines for deep-sea and other fishing are turned out by the firm, either in lengths or completely mounted. The home industry takes a large fraction of the product, the remainder going to supply customers of the firm in America, Australia, the Cape, and other places. Many as are the competitors nowadays in fishing gear, and numerous as are the inducements offered to customers, Messrs. John Watt & Co. can afford to keep the even tenor of their way, and meet every competitor with goods of unequalled quality at prices as moderate as ever.
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