Robb and Smart

ROBB & SMART, Wholesale and Retail Warehousemen, 10, 12, 14, and 16, Jamaica Street, Glasgow.

    Among the many notable commercial establishments which form such a striking and attractive feature of our principal thoroughfares, a position of special distinction is maintained by that of Messrs. Robb and Smart, an old and highly influential firm, whose business was founded, about a quarter of a century ago, by the gentlemen above, as Wholesale and Retail Warehousemen.

    The firm commenced their trading operations on a somewhat modest scale, at a site in near proximity to the Theatre Royal ; and by a steady adherence to the most scrupulously honourable business methods, eschewing the blatant aid of advertisement so generally characteristic of the commercial impostor, they gradually but surely built up the foundations of their present mercantile success. Finding, some seven years later, that the resources of the establishment were inadequate to the demands of their rapidly extending trade, the firm wisely transferred the business to more commodious quarters, selecting extensive premises in Cowcaddens, known as the Northern House, as the basis of their operations. This, in time, also failed to meet the requirements of an ever-developing trade, and the firm finally resolved upon the handsome building in Jamaica Street.

    The premises are very centrally situated within convenient distance of the railway stations and river boats, and comprise four floors and basement, appropriated to the various departments of the business. The establishment is splendidly appointed throughout in modern style, and possesses extensive window frontage, of which effective advantage is taken for the tasteful display of the high-class stock of new season novelties always on view.

    The interior is of handsome proportions, and conveniently arranged in departments, which may be indicated under the following heads:— Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Millinery, Mantles, Furs, Hosiery, Gloves, House Furnishing, Napery, Blankets, Curtain Poles and Curtains, Silks, Velvets, Dress Fabrics, Carpets, and Bedding. These goods have been judiciously bought in the leading markets of the world, Mr. Smart having, we believe, a high reputation for critical judgment in this department, and, by possessing the most intimate knowledge of how, when, and where to buy, is enabled to place before the patrons of the firm the most superior quality of materials and manufactured articles at prices within the reasonable compass of all classes of the community.

    The upper floors are principally devoted to the operative departments, dining rooms for the employees, etc., and in this region of the establishment the visitor will observe the consideration and care for the comfort and convenience of their assistants and work-people displayed by the proprietary — an example that might with advantage commend itself to other and more pretentious firms in the trade.

    These details will afford the reader some indication of the scope and magnitude of the business operations of these gentlemen, whose names are “familiar as household words” with buyers in every part of the Kingdom, and whose list of patrons includes “all sorts and conditions of men”, and, it may be added, the members of the other sex in Scotland, Ireland, and the South.

    In conclusion, we may state that the conspicuous success enjoyed by the firm has been gained entirely by the pursuance of a straightforward and honourable method of business : declining the adventitious aid of advertisement to puff worthless wares, and relying solely on the intrinsic merit of the goods they supply as a recommendation to further extension of patronage and support — a system of trading which has, as far as Messrs. Robb and Smart have yet experienced, been deservedly rewarded with the most gratifying and satisfactory results.

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