James More & Co.
JAMES MORE & Co., Mathematical and Philosophical Instrument Makers, Opticians, Photographic Chemists and Dealers, Prudential Buildings, 77, Renfield Street, Glasgow.
The well-known and enterprising establishment of Mr. James More, in the new Prudential Buildings, Renfield Street, takes rank as one of the most complete of the kind in the Kingdom. Mr. More has had long practical experience of the business, having been for nearly eighteen years in Mr. White’s shops in Union Street, and having continued to assist him and his successors in Sauchiehall Street. He has gained, therefore, a complete knowledge of a business requiring no small scientific attainments and long practice for its mastery. The splendid shop now occupied at the above address is fitted up in the best modern style, and is replete with one of the best assortments of the trade to be seen anywhere.
It is impossible, in the limited space at our disposal, to do more than give a general idea of the various departments, as any attempt to enumerate the several items would require not a column but a small volume. The stock, we need not say, is entirely new, after the latest and most perfect models, and presents many points of special interest. First of all in general interest come the optical and scientific instruments, such as telescopes — monocular and binocular — of superb finish, microscopes (among which the “Demonstrator” is at once a reliable, substantial, and powerful instrument at a moderate figure), opera, field, and marine glasses, of which the “Hawk-eye” is the most notable as a high-power achromatic binocular ; and spectacles, eyeglasses, and folders in endless variety. Mr. More has made a reputation in the latter line with his “Adjustable Spectacles”, of which the firm are the makers and inventors, and which, by a simple arrangement, can be altered from the angle suitable for reading to that most convenient for shooting, billiards, and the like. The “Kaliston Folders” of the firm are now in general use, and, besides possessing every perfection, are specially valuable, as the pressure has been reduced to the most infinitesimal minimum. The general stock in this department embraces all the latest and best makes of mathematical, mining, navigating, and surveying instruments, thermometers, barometers, specific gravity instruments, stereoscopes, graphoscopes, magnifying glasses, pocket lenses, etc. Among special items we notice the valuable assortment of artificial eyes, of the best English manufacturers (and fitted by an experienced operator), opthalmoscopes, lenses, and electric apparatus. The firm are also largely engaged in the manufacture of their magnificent series of glass stereoscopic transparencies of the exterior and the interiors of the New Municipal Buildings, Glasgow, comprising ten beautiful and perfect views, each of which is a work of art.
Messrs. More and Co. are also widely known as caterers for the works of professional and amateur photographers, and hold a very complete selection of cameras, lenses, and photographic paraphernalia in general. The “St. Mungo”, “Renfield”, and “Blythswood” cameras of the firm are of the best construction and material, at easy prices. Thomson’s patent tripod, Ilford, Paget, Wratten, Wainright, Mawson, and other plates, papers, carbon tissue, and all the varied accessories and sundries of the art are kept in stock. In the magic-lantern department, whether for scientific or general use, the firm are justly celebrated, and keep or make all kinds of instruments and sundries. They also undertake lime-light exhibitions in town or country. In a word, they are equal to the supply of all or any of the instruments or sundries of the trade, of guaranteed quality, at a very moderate price. A large staff of experienced and skilful workmen is maintained both for manufacture and repairs, and the most jealous possessor of fine appliances may safely trust to them for adjustments or re-fitting. They are agents for Dr. Dey’s time checker and recorder. To the rear of the shop is a dark room adequately appointed for the use of customers or tourists, where free lessons and instructions are given by a practical photographer.
From this brief outline the reader will be able to form some imperfect idea of the scientific importance of this enterprising firm. Under Mr. More’s able guidance the business in all departments is carried on with ever-increasing reputation and success. Mr. More is Official Lanternist to the Glasgow Amateur Photographic Society, and is universally popular in trade and general circles.
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