McPherson Brothers
McPHERSON BROTHERS, Cutlers, 156, Argyle Street, and 134, Trongate, Glasgow.
The important and prosperous cutlery business now conducted at Glasgow by Messrs. McPherson Brothers presents an interesting example of rapid commercial advancement, considering that the firm only commenced some ten years ago, and have since acquired a noteworthiness and distinction consistent with the enterprise under which their business has been developed.
Messrs. McPherson first began business at 134, Trongate, and the rapid extension of trade that followed their operations necessitated such outlet as was afterwards provided by the acquisition of the Argyle Street establishment, long occupied by Messrs. Reid & Sons in the same line of trade. Both houses are now thoroughly representative of the high-class cutlery trade, and are fitted and appointed in a manner that renders them attractive features of the two busy thoroughfares in which they are respectively located. Besides all the miscellaneous items embraced in a first-class cutlery stock, both establishments are replete with every description of tradesmens tools, ironmongery, fishing tackle, guns, revolvers. &c. ; and sporting men will here find everything requisite for shooting or fishing, from a single article to a complete equipment, at terms equally favourable with those of the several depots devoting exclusive attention to these branches.
The Trongate shop, with its large frontage and admirable facilities for display, is one of the most attractive in its row, while the other at the corner of Mitchell Street and Argyle Street admits of a series of five show windows, wherein everything is effectively admitted to the inspection of the public. The entire appearance of the house is suggestive of its high standing and importance as one of the Citys leading cutlery emporia. Everything in the windows is priced on neat hand-printed labels, this artistic work being executed by one of the partners, and the arrangement of the whole items is in perfect accordance with good taste.
The peculiar feature of the Eureka Scissors' is their
curved or rounded blades, the advantage of which enables the user to cut through
the thickest material with the greatest ease, the cutting power being many times
greater than any other form of scissors in the market. They have nicely-finished
nickel-plated shaped bows to fit the fingers, and are made in every variety and
size, suitable either for domestic or warehouse use. All sizes and varieties are
kept in stock by this firm.
The whole of the specialties provided by Messrs. McPherson bear the guarantee of universal testimony, and, as the firm deal only in goods calculated to afford the utmost satisfaction, they are in consequence favoured with the liberal support and patronage of many of the better classes. Their business is in itself an illustration of success following upon systems of tact and enterprise, and both partners are well known in social and commercial circles for the vigorous interest they manifest in improving and extending the resources of the trade in which they have acquired such well-deserved repute and distinction. -
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