James McFarlane
JAMES McFARLANE, Currier and Leather Lace Manufacturer, Bain Square, Glasgow.
The specialization of particular branches of business, which is but division of labour on a larger scale, goes on in Glasgow side by side with the opposite process of aggregating a number of more or less kindred enterprises under the same roof. The former or specializing process is well illustrated in the case of the extensive business carried on by Mr. James McFarlane. He is a wholesale manufacturer of leather laces, employing twenty hands. The turn-out includes round, flat, imitation porpoise and porpoise laces up to fifty and odd inches long, designed for the home and foreign markets. So rapidly has the trade grown that, though but four years established, 250 gross are exported weekly, not to speak of the immense home trade.
The premises, consisting of two large flats, are now become too limited in their accommodation to meet the requirements of the business, so rapid has been its extension. No doubt great part of this pleasing success is due to the ability of Mr. McFarlane himself ; but, nevertheless, it offers another illustration of the advantage of doing one thing and doing it well. Mr. McFarlane is a practical leather dresser, and we shall be pleased to record, at some future date, the further development of his valuable enterprise.
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