McCall and Stephen

MESSRS. McCALL & STEPHEN, Biscuit Manufacturers, Adelphi Biscuit Factory, Glasgow.

    Special and extensive machinery being now requisite in biscuit making, and the manufacture being one which can only be successfully conducted on a large scale, it has of necessity become the practical monopoly of a few large firms whose names are familiar throughout the length and breadth of the land.

    Most prominent amongst these fortunate firms is that of Messrs. McCall and Stephen, of Glasgow. For Messrs. McCall and Stephen, not content with having matters all their own way in Scotland, invaded England, and established themselves in various cities and towns dominating the principal sections of the country. Their English branches are located in London, at Plymouth, Cardiff, Manchester and Birmingham. This is a good geographical distribution of commercial bases — a fact which indicates the firm’s shrewdness. Of course the vast and greatly ramified business now controlled by Messrs. McCall and Stephen was started on a much less ambitious scale, but it says much for the firm that, instead of resting on their oars when a satisfactory degree of success had been attained, they launched out in fresh directions. For not merely did they endeavour to extend the scope of their operations, but they constantly sought to improve their methods of manufacture and devise popular novelties. A visit to the Adelphi Factory will prove the first proposition ; a glance at the firm’s price list will verify the second

     For while the machinery and mechanical facilities at the factory are of the most perfect description yet devised, the varieties of biscuits catalogued by the firm would be an astonishing revelation to the unsophisticated person who regards biscuits as being of only two possible kinds — hard and soft. This will be understood when it is stated that the firm make about 150 different kinds of biscuits, crackers, cracknels, rusks, “fingers”, nuts, and snaps. Here, surely, is variety enough to suit all tastes. Besides the manufacture of biscuits, Messrs. McCall & Stephen make numerous kinds of cakes — large and small — the very names of which are pleasantly suggestive ; also Scotch currant buns and shortbread. All this implies an amount of skill and judgment beyond anything conceivable by persons having no knowledge of the trade.

    The business was established something like thirty-seven years ago, and, eight years later, the firm sent samples of their manufacture to the London International Exhibition of 1862. In consideration of the excellence of these, a prize medal was awarded them, and, as showing that the firm, in spite of competition, still hold the premier position they early acquired, it may be mentioned that at the Edinburgh International Exhibition of 1886 they were again successful in carrying off a prize medal.

    The Adelphi Factory, where the great industry created by the firm is carried on, is a very extensive one. It has an imposing frontage four storeys high ; on the first flat is a large and finely appointed counting house, where a staff of clerks is kept busily engaged ; on the same floor are the private rooms of the principals. The three upper floors of the front building are used as packing and store-rooms, etc., while the despatch department is on the ground floor. At the rear of this are the bakery and factory. In the bakery, where perfect order and cleanliness prevail, as shewing the rapid development of the business the firm have erected six ovens — three of them on the newest principle, and probably the largest in Scotland — within the last twelve months. In fact, the bakery and factory are replete with the newest and best machinery, and the output is enormous. Although steam power is used throughout the establishment, manual labour is also requisite, and the firm have in their employ a large and efficient staff to cope with the large trade carried on.

    In addition to the departments noted, there are large flour stores containing immense stocks. For local distributive arrangements the firm have numerous horses and vans, for the accommodation of which stables and sheds have to be provided.

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