Langside Academy
LANGSIDE ACADEMY & BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT. Head Masters: Alexander Adam, F.E.J.S., and Donald Mackenzie, M.A.
The age and venerableness of an institution may not always be its highest recommendation, for, with institutions, as with individuals, the older they grow the stronger becomes the tendency to cling to the excellent, yet somewhat antiquated, ideas and practices of the past. There are, however, exceptions to every rule, and no one at all acquainted with the admirable management and efficient working of that long-established school known as Langside Academy can do other than refer to it in terms of high commendation and praise. Having been established for over thirty years, and during that time won for itself a most enviable position amongst its many educational compeers, it has maintained that position by retaining the acknowledged excellencies of its past curriculum, and so adapting itself to the requirements of the day, as to incorporate into its system all modern improvements and advantages.
The building which is set apart for scholastic purposes is
a large one, and is pleasantly situated in grounds upon which it is evident
great care and taste are shown.
The school is divided into two parts — one for boys and the other for girls —
but great care is taken that, whilst both departments enjoy alike the advantages
of such an arrangement, no mingling of the sexes takes place. To obviate this,
there are two entrances into the school, and each department has its separate
cloak rooms and lavatories. The class rooms are commodious, lofty, and well
ventilated, and are fitted with every needful apparatus and appliance for
reducing to its minimum the irksome drudgery of study.
The course of instruction is of the very best and includes all those branches which now go to compose the higher education of young ladies and gentlemen, and it reflects great credit upon the painstaking tuition of both head masters and their assistants to learn that many of the alumni of this Academy have taken the highest honours at the University and Civil Service Examinations, and that others are to-day occupying prominent positions in the professional and commercial world. A very special feature of this school is the attention paid to the pupils for the University Local Examinations, and it is a most remarkable, as to the masters it must be a most gratifying, fact that in former years all pupils presented for the Senior Certificate have passed. In addition to the subjects ordinarily taught in schools, at the Langside Academy great proficiency has been attained by some of the pupils in music, elocution, oil painting, shorthand, etc., whilst many of the girls have left the school thoroughly conversant with the mysteries of the cuisine and the marvels that may be wrought by a well-handled, skilfully-used needle. Special attention is paid to modern languages, the pupils being trained to speak and write French and German, as well as to translate into English.
The Academy is most beautifully situated at the foot of Langside Wood and in close proximity to the QueenÂ’s Park, which is acknowledged to be the finest about Glasgow. Mr. Adam receives into his house a limited number of boarders, whose comfort and happiness he does his utmost to secure. The pleasant suburban situation of the school, the salubrity of the air, the ample scope afforded the pupils for healthy recreation, and the many advantages held out to boarders by the internal arrangements and home-like comforts of the house must in themselves prove powerful inducements ; but when there is added to these the thorough, high-class tuition that is given, there can be left nothing to desire.
Full particulars will be forwarded to any upon application to the proprietor.
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