The Kasaama Food Co.

THE KASAAMA FOOD Co., 59, Morrison Street, Glasgow.

    The manufacturing interests of this great city are of so diverse a character and run in so many distinct channels that to properly review them in a work of the present nature necessitates no inconsiderable share of discrimination, lest highly important adjuncts to the industrial wealth and importance of the City escape their due need of recognition. This is especially the case with our bye-products and feeding-stuffs, which, by reason of their distinctive attributes, cannot be easily categorised under the general designation “provisions”.

    The Kasaama Food Manufactory, conducted at 59, Morrison Street, Glasgow, by Mr. Thomas A. Marshall, affords an apt illustration of what we mean. The inhabitant of, or visitor to, Glasgow, on walking along the south side of the River Clyde, towards the Kingston Dock, would find himself in the neighbourhood of a very modest and unpretentious looking building, one large and suitably divided flat of which is utilised in the preparation of a delicious article of food, and one which, thanks to the admirable method of manufacture, has already attained a world-wide celebrity, and which bids fair, if we mistake not, to supplant in the not far distant future many of the less delicate preparations which enter into the composition of our puddings, our blancmanges, and other luxuries of the dining table as well as the invalid’s room.

    Mr. Marshall commenced business here six years ago, and, thanks to the importance of the article produced, his business rapidly assumed a commercial significance not usually the destiny of enterprises so recently organised. The secret of the success is simply told, however. Kasaama Food possesses invaluable properties ; the process of manufacture ensuring that the delicate flavour and highly nourishing properties of the wheat — from which it is made — are fully retained. A careful analysis of Kasaama Food demonstrates the fact that it contains very nearly 15 per cent, of albuminoids, or flesh-formers, differing in this particular from such starch foods as arrowroot, cornflour, sago, rice, &c., which are well known to be practically devoid of this nourishing constituent, while it can, with the greatest advantage, be used as a perfect substitute for each and all of these. In the making of all puddings, custards, and other valuable comestibles, Kasaama Food has an unrivalled value, and, whether used in the large or fine state, it must be admitted to be a perfect food, containing as it does all the elements necessary for the sustenance and growth of the human frame.

    The Kasaama Food Co. possess at their establishment in Morrison Street every facility for carrying on an extensive home and export trade. An adequate staff of employees is engaged, and a large trade is effected. For the reasons we have already stated the connection enjoyed is both extensive and of a rapidly developing character, and the business of this emporium promises, ere long, to attain proportions at first undreamt of by those to whose unostentatious efforts the success is attributable. Mr. Marshall is the guiding spirit in the affairs of the Kasaama Food Co., Glasgow.

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