Alexander Grant & Co.

ALEXANDER GRANT & CO., Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers, Bedding Manufacturers, Iron Bedstead and Carpet Factors. Show Rooms: 54, Great Clyde Street, Glasgow.

    For forty years the firm of Alexander Grant & Co. have held an honourable place in the furniture making and house furnishing trade. The business was originally founded by the late Alexander Grant, and is now the property of his widow. The large and handsome warehouse of the firm is quite a feature of Great Clyde Street, and displays a very attractive frontage. Two large bays, separated by the spacious main entrance, are thrown forward on the first storey ; and as they are entirely filled in with plate-glass, the facilities for display are unique. The main shop and the flats above are also utilized for purposes of display, and are very handsomely appointed.

    The stock includes an immense variety of furniture and house furnishings of every kind. Thus there are shown rich dining room suites, drawing room suites of the handsomest design and most elegant upholstery, parlour suites redolent of comfort and home-likeness, bedroom suites in various materials, wardrobes in walnut, mahogany, ash and pitch pine (a speciality of the house), cabinets and cheffonieres of elegant design, sideboards, sofas, couches, easy chairs, telescope tables, centre, window, and occasional tables, book cases, what-nots, piano stools, mirrors, overmantels, dressing glasses, and every kind of useful or artistic household equipment. The furnishings also display great variety, and comprise toilet tables, washstands, chairs, towel-rails, brass and iron bedsteads, spring, hair, wool, and straw mattresses, wool beds, drawers, and similar articles from the richest to the plainest. There is also a complete selection of carpets, rugs, linoleums, and oil-cloths. The high quality and finish of all the goods at once strike the visitor ; and this is accounted for by the fact that they are almost entirely of the firm’s own manufacture.

    Their workshops are among the most celebrated in the City, and comprise six flats of large extent, occupying Nos. 1 to 9, Fox Street. Here a special staff, aided by the best appliances, are busily engaged, under able supervision, in turning out all classes of house furnishing, of that genuine excellence which has long distinguished Scotch manufacture in this line. We need not say that such an old and reputable firm enjoys a splendid and highly representative patronage. Its whole administration reflects the highest credit on its management, and tends to still further enhance its highly merited and widespread reputation.

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