Gillies Brothers

GILLIES BROTHERS, Clock and Model Makers, 15, Margaret Street, Glasgow.

    In a great centre of commercial and industrial activity like Glasgow there will be found ample scope and encouragement for the exercise of those lighter branches of the mechanical art in which are included the manufacture of clocks and models of machinery, &c., so essential to the development of new inventions and improvements of machinery. Of the firms engaged in this important branch of industry, special distinction must be assigned to Messrs. Gillies Brothers, Clock and Model Makers, who have recently commenced operations in this direction with every indication of conspicuous future success.

    The premises occupied by the firm are centrally situated at 15, Margaret Street, off John Street, City, and consist of one large flat of spacious proportions conveniently arranged for the operations of the business and fully equipped with the necessary plant and appliances for perfecting the processes of production. Messrs. Gillies undertake the manufacture of every description of clocks and models, chiefly for experimental purposes in connection with new inventions and improvements of a mechanical character, in which they possess a very high reputation for their skilful execution and ingenuity of resource.

    The leading speciality of the firm’s manufacture is, however, Dey’s patented “Time Checker and Recorder”, a marvellously ingenious machine which has been brought to its present state of perfection and accuracy after much thought and experiment, and it is certainly the highest success yet attained in time-keeping. It will be found of great convenience and value in every branch of business to employers and employees alike — the one class being assured of a perfectly reliable record and the other of absolute justice — of being charged only for time actually lost, thus providing a solid basis of good understanding and good feeling between parties whose interests are more or less divergent. The machine can be used wherever time is recorded — in factories, workshops, stores or shops of every kind, offices, hotels, &c., &c., and is sold at a price (twenty guineas) which brings it within reach of all requiring a thoroughly reliable instrument of this description. The “Time Checker” has already secured a large sale amongst the principal employers of labour in Scotland and other parts of the Kingdom, who have forwarded to the manufacturers testimonials expressive of their perfect satisfaction with the working of the machine.

    The business is admirably conducted under the direction of the proprietors, Messrs. Hugh & Felton Gillies, both of whom are thoroughly practical mechanicians of the highest ability and skill, whose invaluable advice has often proved of inestimable benefit to inventors who have had occasion to avail themselves of these gentlemen’s experienced services.

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