Robert Gibson

ROBERT GIBSON, Bookseller, 16, Queen Street, Glasgow.

    Glasgow has been for generations past a noted centre of intellectual light and leading, and has always held out an encouraging hand to the twin pursuits of literature and art of which so many of our chief exponents have made its universities their alma mater. Amongst the establishments devoted to the supply of the constantly-increasing demand for the highest and purest forms of literature we have pleasure in directing the attention of our readers to that so successfully conducted by Mr. Robert Gibson, who has for the past five years catered with critical judgment for the requirements of popular taste.

    The establishment is centrally situated at 16, Queen Street, and comprises large handsome shop facing that busy thoroughfare. The premises are replete with appropriate appointments and possess every convenience for the trade, extensive bookshelves providing accommodation for the immense stock held by the proprietor. This includes a wide selection ranging over every field of literature, and embracing the works of every author of note in ancient and modem days, which the limits of our space prevent us front enumerating in detail. It must suffice for the purposes of this review that all our old and well-loved companions of our youth are here : Dickens, Scott, Thackeray, and all the popular standard authors, together with the latest additions to the roll of literary fame ; works on travel, theology, law, philosophy, art, sciences, manufactures, and industries ; sports, games, and pastimes ; poultry, pigeons, and rabbits ; birds, bees, the horse, the dog, cattle, and a multitude of other subjects of interest to some section of the hydra-headed public.

    Mr. Gibson issues a very comprehensive and intelligently - compiled catalogue containing a most exhaustive list of the books in stock, to which we refer our readers for further information. This gentleman makes a special feature of the supply of school books and educational literature generally, and in this branch of the business Mr. Gibson has established a most substantial and valuable connection with many of the leading schools and scholastic institutions in the kingdom, for which the services of an adequate staff of travellers are employed. The establishment is also widely patronised by the general public, and under the personal direction of the principal is one of the favourite haunts of the lovers of books — whose names are legion — in the City and the surrounding districts.

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