Fletcher & McPhie

FLETCHER & McPHIE, Glaziers, Glass Merchants, and Importers of Memorial Wreaths, 38, Dumbarton Road, Glasgow.

    The branch of industry represented by this enterprising firm ranks among the most important in the City. The business was established in the premises at present occupied, about seventeen years ago, by Mr. John Fletcher, who, some twelve years ago, assumed Mr. James McPhie as partner, under the above title.

    A good sample of the firm’s work in leadwork and tinted glass is to be seen in the filling up of the front shop, all the other appointments being in keeping with this artistic treatment. A large space is reserved for show purposes, and a portion for the necessary office accommodation. Plenty of space for storage and workshop operations is provided towards the rear, the whole extensive range of premises being fully occupied. The stock includes polished plate of all kinds, rough cast and patent plate, light window glass, and cathedral glass in every shade of colouring. Special lines are shown in French shades, fern globes, stands, and glass globes, the latter including some exquisite novelties. The firm have also a great reputation for their imported memorial wreaths, a large stock of which in the most artistic designs is always on view, several of the more special items occupying one of the show-windows.

    The general trade is large and representative, including plain and ornamental glazing and lead work, the supply of glass and glazing for houses in course of erection, and a flourishing retail business in the specialities above noted. Both partners have had a long practical experience, and personally direct the operations of their large skilled staff. They are favourably known for their excellent material and finished workmanship, and are steadily widening the limits of their flourishing enterprise.

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