Donaldson Brothers

MESSRS. DONALDSON BROTHERS, Ship owners, Glasgow. Telegrams, “Donaldson”.

    Among the enterprising firms which contribute a large quota to the immense ocean-carrying trade of Great Britain, that of Messrs. Donaldson Brothers, of this port, deserves prominent notice in these pages.

    The Donaldson Line was inaugurated some forty years back by the brothers, who gave its name to the enterprise, and by their energy and perseverance it was steadily raised to a prominent position among our commercial marine. The present partners are Mr. Archibald F. Donaldson, Mr. James D. Bonnar, and Mr. Norman Macleod. The splendid flotilla of first-class steamers controlled by Messrs. Donaldson Brothers is engaged in a widely-extended transatlantic trade, and affords one of the best transit mediums between this country and North and South America. Regular services are provided for Quebec, Montreal, and Halifax, N.S. ; to Baltimore, for United States trade ; and to Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, and Rosaria. Owing to the splendid means of inland communication between most of these ports and the western districts of the Continent, the Messrs. Donaldson are enabled to forward goods at through rates to almost all parts of North and South America, or accept consignments of the same for conveyance to the Old World. Considering the enormous volume and rapid growth of the transatlantic trade, such a ready means of carriage as is provided by this eminent firm forms one of the most important links in the chain of commercial solidarity between the Western Republics and this country.

    As to the fleet itself, its merits are too well known to call for any lengthened remarks. The vessels comprise the well-known 100 A1 steamships, “Amarynthia”, 4,000 tons ; “Concordia”, 2,540 tons ; “Colina”, 2,001 tons ; “Alcides”, 3,400 tons ; “Warwick”, 2,530 tons ; and the barques “Chilian” and “Santona”. Though fitted up with excellent accommodation for passengers these vessels are mainly engaged in the cargo and cattle trade. They carry all kinds of produce as well as manufactured goods, and are particularly favoured by the wholesale provision exporters. The firm have long enjoyed a reputation par excellence as live-stock carriers, and the rapid growth of the trade has been not a little promoted by them, and they may be regarded as the most enterprising pioneers in a branch of commerce which must eventually assume proportions of still greater magnitude.

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