Dawson & McNicoll
DAWSON & McNICOLL, Merchant Tailors & Outfitters, 421 & 423, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow.
A magnificent example of an all-round useful and admirably conducted enterprise in connection with the sartorial art of Glasgow is afforded by the establishment opened, about two years ago, by Messrs. Dawson and McNicoll, at 421 and 423, Sauchiehall Street, near Charing Cross. These premises, consist of a magnificently capacious saloon, having an exceptionally attractive frontage and an interior which, in respect of appropriate appointment and embellishment, will not easily be rivalled, much less easily surpassed, in Glasgow.
The departments, which are nine in number, include
gentlemens bespoke tailoring, boys and youths suits, ready-made or to order ;
boys and youths ready-made overcoats, school and college outfits, gentlemens
outfits, ladies and gents waterproof coats, ladies coats and jackets to
order. The stocks held in the various departments are necessarily very
comprehensive, and embrace all the leading lines in Scotch, English, and Irish
cloth, including the choicest tweeds of Hawick, Galashiels, Bannockburn,
Inverness, and the Island of Harris ; extra - super West of England wool - dyed
meltons, serges, cashmere coatings, and other varieties. The stock of ready-made
clothing, both for gentlemen and juveniles, is complete in every detail,
suitable for all ages and stations and made up in a smart, stylish manner,
denoting the valuable supervision of an experienced cutter.
Every suit and garment, every ladys jacket or ulster, may be relied on as new and fashionable, as finely finished, and as certain to give entire satisfaction in wear. Probably no establishment in Scotland shows a larger and more attractive variety of styles and materials in boys and young ladies garments than the one under notice. In gentlemens clothing, Messrs. Dawson and McNicoll are no less successful, and special attention deserves to be paid by the public to the firms bespoke tailoring department, where fit and quality of workmanship are guaranteed, and where a large and select stock of new and fashionable cloths are constantly being added to the already gigantic stock.
Taken as a whole, we venture to assert that in all respects the productions of this house will compare favourably with those of any firm in the United Kingdom with which we are acquainted, and the firm may reasonably claim credit for having so rapidly developed a business which has already taken a foremost position among the most flourishing and enterprising sartorial establishments of Scotland.
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