Cockburn Brothers
COCKBURN BROTHERS, St. JamesÂ’ Iron Works, Helen Street, Govan, Glasgow.
One of the most important branches of staple industry in this district is well represented by the firm of Messrs. Cockburn Brothers, whose extensive works form the subject of this brief descriptive sketch.
The business was founded in 1881 by Mr. David Cockburn and
his three brothers, the latter retiring a few years ago leaving the sole
proprietorship in the hands of the senior principal, Mr. David Cockburn, who has
since been joined by Mr. Anthony, who undertakes the management of the out-door
The premises occupied by the firm are centrally situated at Helen Street, Govan,
and comprise the whole of the conveniently adapted manufactory known as the St.
JamesÂ’ Iron Works, which were specially built for the purpose, and include
well-appointed offices, facing the street, and commodious brick-built
work-shops, forges, smithies, &c., in the rear. The chief productions of the
firm include every description of barrows in use for gas-works, steamships,
ironworks, foundries, and excavating work, the leading specialities being
Cockburn's patent tubular-framed steel wheelbarrows, of which the subjoined
wood-cuts will afford our readers some indication of their adaptability.
Special attention is directed by the firm to the
manufacture of stoke-hole barrows for use on board steamships, and which are
made in various patterns suggested by practical experience, Mr. Cockburn having,
for the purpose of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the requirements of this
class of trade, made a journey across the Atlantic expressly to obtain this
information. The barrow since designed by this gentlemen is acknowledged to be
without a rival for strength, durability, and general handiness, and is now in
use by all the leading ship owners and shipbuilders in Great Britain and
Messrs. Cockburn have also a wide-spread connection with
the principal gas companies, contractors, etc., in the United Kingdom, and the
firm also supply small boilers for ranges and other articles of this description
to order. An effective staff of artizans is employed in the works under the
direct personal supervision of the principal senior, who takes an active and
practical part in the management of the business, which has, under the joint
energetic control of the two proprietors, attained a premier position in the
ranks of successful enterprise in this great industrial centre.
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