Andrew Brown

ANDREW BROWN, Rope and Twine Manufacturer, 52, Bellfield Street, Glasgow.

    In illustrating by means of typical examples the position of the various important industries of Glasgow, a portion of the space at our disposal is necessarily claimed by the important rope and twine manufacture. A very good firm is that of Mr. Andrew Brown, of Bellfield Street. The business was begun by him in the year 1877, and soon attained a foremost place, owing to the energy and skill with which all its operations were directed. The premises are sufficiently extensive for carrying on the trade on a large scale.

    The main shed is of ample width and a hundred and twenty yards in length. The newest appliances have been fitted up here, but the industry is not one requiring very heavy plant. The yarn is obtained ready spun from the manufacturers in 80-yard lengths, and is twisted by an ingenious but simple arrangement of spindles into twine or rope of any required thickness. Alongside the rope-walk are the necessary sheds for preparing the yarn. The working staff numbers fourteen hands.

    Mr. Brown is himself a practical man, and personally directs the business. The turn-out of ropes and twines, mostly of the finest quality, is very large, and goes almost entirely to local customers. It may be interesting to note that a pony renders very able assistance in carrying out the finishing operations.

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