and Hinchliffe, Limited
BRATBY & HINCHLIFFE, Ltd., Aerated Water Engineers, 81, Robertson Street, Glasgow. Also at Manchester and London.
The above firm undoubtedly hold the first place in the trade. Not only are they known in every civilized land in connection with the industry with whose progress they are so intimately associated, but in the great engineering world of the United Kingdom and America they are deservedly looked up to as the real pioneers in perfecting the various appliances used in the aerated water and bottling trades.
The works of this honourably distinguished firm are situated at Sandford Street, Ancoats, Manchester, and cover an immense area of ground. They consist of a great mass of detached buildings of various heights arranged round an extensive yard, and devoted to different departments. There are, for instance, a large brass foundry, fitting and turning shops, pattern makers shops, draughtsmens offices, packing and despatch departments, immense stores for new and second-hand machinery, a laboratory, and an essence room. We need hardly say that the mechanical outfit of these great works is of the most perfect kind and of the best design, but some idea of its extent may be gained when we state that 300 hands are engaged in the various operations. A portion of the buildings is allocated to the purpose of private and public offices and counting-house, forming the executive headquarters of the firm. Their house in Glasgow is centrally situated a few yards from Argyle Street, and consists mainly of a large and well-arranged showroom and convenient offices. This section of the firms business has been managed for a number of years by Mr. Jackson with steadily increasing success.
Turning to the far-famed manufactures of the firm, we may be allowed to notice all their various types of aerated water plants, known by distinctive designations. For small manufactories they make several types of plant, differing in detail but essentially the same in principle, and known as the Alert, Rival, Advance, and Criterion, rapidly increasing in popularity, and of maximum producing power ; while for medium concerns four others of the most improved construction are provided, called the Defiance, Enterprise, Fortress, and Success. These may be taken as representing the last results of that combination of mechanical skill and knowledge which have so honourably marked the career of the firm during the thirty years of their enterprising effort to perfect and cheapen the appliances of an industry that is now of the first magnitude.
Among the special machinery made by Messrs. Bratby and Hinchliffe, Limited, are many novelties that stand unrivalled. One of these is their now famous Monarch Turnover Filling Machine, for patent bottles, excelling all others in the simplicity of its action and in the rapidity with which the work can be done. The opinion of practical men is universally in its favour, and it now holds the field against all comers. The Pressure Reducing Valve of the firm is another of their numerous invaluable inventions, reducing the pressure in bottling from the usual 160 pounds to any desired amount. The saving in bottles alone soon amounts to the £3 15s. charged for this ingenious contrivance. Another speciality, of American origin, for which the firm are European agents, is the Lightning Bottle Washer, for washing all kinds of bottles, now universally used by American manufacturers, and being rapidly adopted all over the world. A bottle wiring machine of the same designation vended by the firm is also rapidly coming into universal use. To these maybe added the Colonial Turnover Filter, in which the syrup pump is fitted with a glass barrel, and can be regulated to a nicety in a moment. As general purveyors to the bottling trade, this leading firm stand also unrivalled.
We can safely say that there is no kind of plant or
appliance that they are unable to supply, in any quantity, on the shortest
notice. As to driving power, they can furnish steam, gas, oil, and air engines
of all kinds ; for water supply, rotary, lift, and force pumps ; bottles of
every type for aerated water or still beverages ; vans, boxes, and cases of all
kinds for distributive purposes; ice-making machines, vacuum or ether; ice cream
freezers, machinery fittings, shafting, couplings, plummer blocks, etc. ; and,
in a word, all the thousand and one accessories of the trade down to a lemon
squeezer or a pair of pincers. All the parts of their machines are duplicated
and kept in stock, so that if an accidental breakage should occur, any ordinary
mechanic can put the matter right.
Messrs. Bratby and Hinchliffe, Limited, are also well known for the preparations of their laboratory, and supply the trade with Derezinized Soluble Fruit Essences, manufactured by a new process, and warranted to mix perfectly bright with syrups or water, imparting at the same time a rich aromatic flavour. Specialities in this department are their Citrocloric Acid, for acidulating aerated beverages, and their Special Belfast Ginger Ale Extract or Elixir, indispensable for making that now universal drink.
We may add that the firm possess a dazzling array of medallic honors and certificates of merit, gained in all parts of the world. One of the most perfect and complete trade catalogues we have seen is also issued by this prominent firm, consisting of over a hundred folio pages, on finished paper, beautifully bound, and full of the best engravings of machinery that have ever been produced for trade purposes, together with a complete descriptive letterpress. They also supply the Practical Mineral Water Manufacturer, a book containing full instructions on all things connected with the manufacture.
We must not omit to mention, in drawing this brief notice
to a close, that this firm hold an immense stock of second-hand machinery by all
makers which they dispose of at easy prices, take charge of the registering of
clients trade marks, conduct valuations, arrange partnerships, and negotiate
businesses. As their goods are kept in stock by the principal firms abroad and
in the Colonies, their connexion may be considered international ; while in
business capacity, enterprise, reputation, and executive power, it is not too
much to say that Messrs. Bratby and Hinchliffe, Limited, occupy a position in
the trade of which any firm might be proud, and which, so far, is certainly
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