Blair, Campbell,
& McLean
MESSRS. BLAIR, CAMPBELL, & McLEAN, Scotland Street Copper Works, Glasgow.
Without doubt the most eminent firm in Scotland as regards copper and brass work the one which has attained the foremost position in the trade, possesses the widest connection, and has the largest output in respect of certain important specialities is that of Messrs. Blair, Campbell, & McLean, of the Scotland Street Copper Works, Glasgow.
This old-established firm, founded as far back as 1838, affords constant employment for something like 300 men, a feature of their business being its remarkable steadiness, for it is one not liable, as is the case with some others, to violent fluctuations. At the same time there is persistent if gradual, development, and as the firm are absolutely unrivalled in respect of certain manufactures of theirs which have become noted specialities, that process is certain to continue. While the resources and mechanical facilities of their establishment enable them to undertake every description of brass or copper ware, they have devoted special attention to the manufacture of brewing and distilling appliances.
Their long experience and skill in this department have secured for them a large and valuable connection. They make every variety of stills, coppers, mashing machines, mash tuns, malt mills, refrigerators, fermenting tuns and vats, and so forth. But their industrial enterprise is not limited to the supply to British distillers and brewers of the plant requisite in these particular trades. The skill they have acquired in connection therewith has enabled them to turn their attention to the manufacture of machinery and appliances adapted to the different processes of distillation as carried on in the Colonies. Rum and brandy stills, therefore, come within the scope of their operations, and this department of their trade constitutes a very interesting as well as a very important feature. As Colonial providers in this respect, it naturally follows that they should also endeavour to furnish the sugar factories of our tropical or sub-tropical Colonies with appliances specially adapted to this particular industry. Every mechanical contrivance incidental thereto, from steam-engines and sugar-cane mills to vacuum pans, is made by them.
Confectioners also are largely dependent upon Messrs.
Blair, Campbell, & McLean for the supply of requisites, such as jelly and
sweet-stuff pans, &c. Oil stills and tallow boilers may not be so pleasantly
suggestive as the other appliances mentioned, but they are highly important from
an industrial point of view, and Messrs. Blair, Campbell, & McLean are too
shrewd and enterprising to let any opportunity for complying with existing
requirements escape them. This, therefore, is a department in which they have
gained a large trade. As general coppersmiths, brass founders, and finishers,
the scope of their operations is too wide to permit of full details being given,
but it may be mentioned that, in addition to the specialised mechanism and
appliances already alluded to, they manufacture Turkey-red boilers and engraving
plates, locomotive domes and valve covers, copper and brass piping for marine
and land engines, copper yarn and clearing boilers, gun-metal pumps, cocks, and
valves, steam reducing valves and steam traps, brass, gun-metal, and iron
castings of every description, steam pressure and vacuum gauges, thermometers,
&c. In respect of the supply of copper piping for Clyde and other
shipbuilders, and also for Admiralty requirements, a large and extensive trade
is done.
The Scotland Street Copper Works are very extensive, covering a large area. The premises include a large factory, erecting shops, drawing and pattern rooms, tracing shop, brass founding and brass finishing shops, pattern stores, &c., and large yards. The public and private offices of the firm are at the entrance to the works. The machinery in use, which is driven by a powerful steam-engine, is of the finest and most modern description.
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