Belgravia College

BELGRAVIA COLLEGE, 13, Newton Terrace, Sauchiehall Street. Rev. David Walker, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.L.A., Principal.

    Happy must the Principal of that College be who can depend upon the favourable testimony of Glasgow’s greatest and most honoured men, and such surely must be the experience of Dr. Walker, the esteemed Principal of Belgravia College, as he affixes to his annual prospectus the names of Sir James King, LL.D., Ex-Lord Provost of Glasgow ; Bailie Dickson, J.P. ; J. G. A. Baird, Esq., M.P. ; James Alex. Campbell, Esq., LL.D., M.P., besides the names of the leading clergy, doctors, magistrates, &c., as of those ready to bear witness to the efficiency and high-class character of the instruction given, as also to the general ability and excellence with which its affairs are conducted. But the reputation of Belgravia College does not depend simply upon the names of referees, great and honoured as they unquestionably are, but upon the intellectual development, the graceful deportment, and ladylike behaviour of the pupils that pass through its curriculum, and if we may take the very excellent entertainment, given in the Grand Hotel a short time ago by the young ladies of the College, as a fair specimen of the kind of proficiency attained in the ordinary work of the school, we need ask for no further credential nor seek for any more conclusive proof.

    The College, which was established in the year 1868, has had a career of great usefulness and academical prosperity. Having been instituted for the special purpose of providing young ladies with a very complete course of instruction, in all branches of a liberal English education, upon the most moderate of terms, it has with a remarkable elasticity of constitution adjusted itself to the varying needs of the age, and to-day, by reason of its admirable appointments, excellent management, and efficient teaching staff, occupies a position of scholastic repute of no mean order.

    The College course is divided into two departments, the junior and senior, and these are so wisely arranged and carefully graduated that the pupils are led by a series of easy and interesting stages into a thorough mastery of the ordinary subjects which constitute a sound English education. In addition to these, arrangements have been made by which the more ornamental parts of a school’s curriculum may be attained, and at moderate fees instruction is given in Music, Singing, French, German, Italian, Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Logic, Drawing, Painting, Dancing, &c., by duly qualified and thoroughly competent teachers.

    Dr. Walker is a gentleman of great experience and high scholarly attainments, and, ably assisted by a lady superintendent and a large and talented staff of teachers, has been enabled to secure for the young ladies placed under his care great proficiency and excellence in the several branches of study included in the curriculum of the College. Besides the eminent position which Dr. Walker holds in relation to Belgravia College, he is a respected member of the Glasgow High School Club, and also renders good service as a member of the General Council of the Glasgow University ; he is also one of the Vice-Presidents of the Scottish Society of Literature and Art.

    The College, which is a large, well-appointed building, is very pleasantly and conveniently situated, and, being near to Charing Cross and the Crescents, is very accessible to pupils coming from all parts of the City and suburbs. The class-rooms are commodious and comfortable and contain all that is needful in the way of educational apparatus for carrying on a large school in the most efficient and satisfactory way. For the senior pupils who are anxious to prepare for University Certificates, &c., special arrangements are made, as also for any who may wish to take up any separate whether included in the ordinary curriculum or not. Medals, books, certificates, &c., are awarded to distinguished students of the College.

    Full information as to these arrangements, fees &c., will be promptly supplied by the Principal upon application.

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