William Wallace
William Wallace, Family Chemist, 89, St. Vincent Street.—
This establishment is justly entitled to rank among the leading houses of its class in the United Kingdom, the business conducted therein being entirely of a very high order, and the reputation unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the trade. It was originally founded under the auspices of the “Glasgow Apothecaries Company ” more than half a century ago, but during the last eleven years it has been carried on under the proprietorship of Mr. William Wallace, who has become widely renowned in connection with his control of the business.
It may be easily understood that the trade is of a very high class by a glance at the premises, which are fitted in the most elaborated style. These fittings, which are entirely in solid mahogany and marble, are those originally used when the business was first established. A large stock is kept, and this being most effectively arranged considerably enhances the elegant appearance of the establishment. It would be impracticable within the present limits to give any detailed account of the various items comprised in the stock which embraces a very wide scope, and not only includes all the usual drugs, patent and proprietary medicines, &c., but also a large assortment of such articles as bath sponges, hair brushes, tooth brushes, perfumes, &c. Among the more noticeable features are Wallace’s celebrated skin soap, cherry tooth paste, quinine, and iron tonic, in the manufacture or preparation of which the proprietor has become justly noted. The special branch to which Mr. Wallace has devoted his attention is dispensing medicines in accordance with physicians’ prescriptions. Everyone will recognise the great importance of this matter, not only in so far that care has to be exercised in giving the proper drugs, but also as regards the quantity given, and the strict attention that is necessary in following the instructions of the physician in every instance.
Mr. Wallace has gained a valuable reputation in this branch of his business, in which he does a very large trade. Another very important feature is the manufacture of high-class aerated waters, which are made upon the premises. These include soda, potass, seltzer, lithia, carrara, and other waters, lemonade, gingerade, &c. All these can be had either in the ordinary bottles or in the syphons. In addition to supplying these the proprietor does a large business in such mineral waters as Friedrichshall, Carlsbad, Apollinaris, Rubinat, Hunyadi Janos, Vichy, Aesculap, &c. In all departments goods are forwarded if required to any distance. A first-class connection is maintained among the leading families both in Glasgow and throughout the surrounding districts, and the establishment is widely and deservedly renowned in all directions.
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