William Walker
William Walker, Manufacturer and Yarn Merchant, 51, Canning Street.—
An old-established and well-known firm is that of William Walker, manufacturer and yarn merchant. This gentleman established his business here in 1871. The premises comprise a large warehouse, which is divided into departments to suit the trade. Manufacturing skirtings and supplying yarns wholesale to weavers are Mr. Walker’s principal departments. But besides these he makes fleshers’ aprons, which on account of the quality of material and the colour being warranted indigo blue, have become the favourite aprons of all fleshers who have tried them. Mr. Walker employs about fifty hands, throughout the weaving districts, making his fabrics, &c.
His trade is locally extensive, but he has a large connection all over Scotland, and especially in the North Highlands. Long experience, perseverance, energy, and integrity, are the principal secrets of Mr. Walker’s prosperity.
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