Wm. Rankin & Sons

Wm. Rankin & Sons, Cork Growers and Manufacturers, 10, Carlton Place.—

    This is the oldest and foremost house in Scotland in connection with this interesting industry. The business is nearly a century old, and was founded by the late Mr. William Rankin. Twenty-five years ago the business of Messrs. J. Mitchell & Son, cork merchants, was absorbed by this firm. The manufactory in Glasgow is only a branch of the firm’s vast establishment at Lisbon (Portugal), where they have extensive cork forests in addition to a large factory. They have export warehouses and stores, whence large quantities of cork are regularly shipped in bales to all quarters of the globe to an extent perhaps not exceeded by any other firm in the world. The cork is imported into the firm’s Glasgow manufactory also in bales, to be manufactured here.

    These premises are situated in the very centre of Glasgow and it is unnecessary to state that the firm has a very liberal share of the trade in the manufactured article throughout Scotland, and has connections in all parts of the kingdom. The premises are specially adapted to the business, are exceedingly well lighted, and kept in the most excellent order possible. All the very best machinery that has been invented for facilitating the work or for improving the manufacture is here in operation.

    To those unacquainted with the business perhaps the most interesting machine is a counting machine that, attended by a boy, counts about seven gross per minute, and faithfully registers the numbers as it proceeds. Every class of marketable article is turned out here, from the smallest bottle-stoppers to bungs and floats of every description. A considerable number of hands is employed at this establishment and also at Lisbon. The character of the firm of Wm. Rankin & Sons has, during its whole history, been irreproachable and highly respectable in the annals of British commerce.

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