Ralston & Sons
Ralston & Sons, Photography, 141, Sauchiehall Street.—
The name of Ralston in connection with photography is very
widely known in the Glasgow district, and there are few firms that have achieved
so much success in this art as that of Messrs. Ralston &r Sons. The business was
established in 1853, and at that time was-carried on at 199, Argyle Street. It
was, however, found necessary to remove to the present more commodious premises,
where the firm have now been located about twenty years. Although carried on
under the above title, the sole partner is Mr. Peter Ralston. The showroom is
a-handsomely fitted and furnished saloon, of very attractive and elegant
appearance. The gallery is one of the largest in Glasgow, and contains an
enormous stock of specimens of the firm’s work. About six assistants aye
Few firms have such a reputation for high-class work, and, as a matter of fact, nothing is allowed to emanate from this establishment but what is high-class. Thus the studio is highly popular with the most influential classes, and a large connection is maintained not only in the immediate locality, but also throughout the entire district. There is a branch establishment at Hillhead. It will be noticed that this firm are photographers to the Queen, a further proof of the excellent work for which they are renowned and their prominent position among houses similarly engaged. Mr. Ralston’s son, who was associated with him in business here, is now in London, and is on the staff of the "Graphic", of which he is a prominent member.
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