Alexander Ogilvie & Co.

Alexander Ogilvie & Co., Saddlers and Harness Makers, 126, Hope Street.—

    In reviewing historically the various trades and industries of the city of Glasgow it is most interesting to meet with a firm of such old standing and extensive business connections as that of A. Ogilvie & Co, the well-known saddlers and harness makers of Hope Street. On well-authenticated testimony the business was established about the end of the last century by Mr. William Mirrlees, in Argyle Street. On the death of this gentleman a Mr. Maitland took over the business and carried it on up to 1868, when it was acquired by purchase by Mr. Alexander Ogilvie and removed to Renfield Street, and about thirteen years ago the present premises were entered upon. Three years ago it passed into the hands of the present proprietor, Mr. James Speir, who carries on the business under the style of Alexander Ogilvie & Co.

    The premises are very extensive and commodious, and well adapted in every way to the extensive trade of the firm. It is doubtless due to the fact that all the articles connected with their trade are made on the premises by trustworthy and efficient workmen, that the great success and high reputation of this firm have always been maintained. The stock of goods in the showrooms is of a most comprehensive and valuable character, including every variety of saddlery and harness, bridles, and all the equestrian accessories. The trade of this house is of a very widespread and influential character, extending to all parts of the three kingdoms, America, the East and West Indies, and the colonies.

    The firm has a stall (No. 637, East Corridor) of a very striking nature at the Glasgow International Exhibition, viz., two full-sized horses with sets of superior brass-mounted carriage harness, and several cases containing beautiful specimens of saddlery. The connections of the firm are well founded, and the house has long enjoyed an eminent reputation. Mr. James Speir possesses the advantage of long and thorough practical experience, and his entire energies are devoted to the maintenance of the influential business he conducts.

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