Neilson & Co.

Neilson & Co., Asphalte and Cement Workers, 116, Bishop Street, Port Dundas.—

    Amongst the many matters that have received extraordinary development in recent years, few things are more noticeable than the very extended use of asphalte. Thirty years ago, when Messrs. Neilson first opened business in the premises they still occupy, the use of asphalte was confined to very few purposes, the formation of a waterproof surface being the principal. The discovery of different kinds of and improved methods of using it has led to greatly extended uses, the most noticeable being the formation of paths and roadways calculated to withstand very considerable vehicular traffic.

The formation of terraces is another purpose for which asphalte is most applicable. As a coating over vaults or other underground structures to prevent the infiltration of  water or damp it is without a rival. It is equally serviceable as a “damp course” in walls to prevent the rise of moisture from the ground by capillary attraction. Messrs. Neilson are always to advise as  to the applicability of their processes for particular purposes and to undertake contracts for their carrying out. Railways,

, all have been the scene of their labours and have i the excellent reputation it bears. Messrs. Neil-as well as in asphalte. At present this firm are ! in bituminous concrete for railway bridges. The

tka occupy half an acre and give constant employment to a n. The number employed on outside work is limited only i and the quantity of work that the firm has on hand. Mr. lieOson is the sole proprietor of the business.

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