Robert Murray
Robert Murray (Mr. Peter Reid, successor), Dyer and Cleaner, 22, Union Street.—
The well-known and highly reputed dyeing and cleaning business of Mr. Robert Murray was founded in 1825, and passed in 1881 into the hands of Mr. Peter Reid, who carries it on under its original title. This latter gentleman was for twenty-five years manager of the Govan Dye Works, and brings to bear upon his new enterprise the advantages of a long and valuable practical experience in every department of the dyeing and cleaning business. The works of the house are situate at Little Govan, Glasgow, and possess the most complete facilities for the execution of first-class work.
Quite recently a sum of £2,200 has been spent in extending the work and perfecting the plant, one of the most notable additions in the latter respect being a valuable silk polishing machine for the special purpose of polishing Tussore silks for tapestry curtains. This machine, being the first of its kind in Scotland, it supplies a long-felt want, and manufacturers can now get their silks dyed and polished equal to anything in England. Only English dyers are employed. Mr. Reid also dyes spun silks in all the latest brilliant shades for skirting manufacturers, train silks, embroidery, and shaded silks for the trade. The newest portion of the works is for dyeing shades in silk to stand milling for fancy dress goods ; to this also is added the dyeing of silk piece-goods for home and export.
A total force of about sixty hands is employed, and the dyeing and cleaning of curtains, fringes, laces, tassels, table covers, furniture covers, carpets, rugs, skin mats, silks and satins, plaids and shawls, ladies’ dresses, gentlemen’s clothing, gloves, cloaks, feathers, furs, and in fact every description of fabric or material that can be cleaned or dyed, is carried out in the best modern style and at the most reasonable rates.
Mr. Reid has another depot in Glasgow, at 275, Sauchiehall Street, and has receiving-houses in Alloa, Belfast, Govan, and Hamilton, together with agents in all principal country towns in England, Ireland, and Scotland. The business is most capably and enterprisingly conducted under the personal supervision of its present proprietor, who spares no effort to make his undertaking at once a convenience and a benefit to the public of the United Kingdom, and a very large and widespread trade affords ample indication of the appreciation accorded to his successful endeavours.
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