John Y. Moyes
John Y. Moyes, Brush, Basket and Perfumery Warehouse, 49, St. Vincent Street.—
One of the oldest shops of its kind in Glasgow is that conducted by Mr. John Y. Moyes, which was established as a brush shop over fifty years ago on the present premises, which formed part of the building formerly occupied by the celebrated Western Club. The goods held consist of every description of baskets, brushes, combs, and perfumery, sponges, chamois skins, door mats, rouge, &c., together with a large assortment of wooden ware. Brushes and baskets are made a speciality, and in this respect the house is accorded a very high reputation for the intrinsic merits of these goods. A branch depot is conducted at 41, Argyle Arcade, which is exclusively devoted to the sale of toys and jewellery. Several assistants are employed. A very large and well-established local trade is done in all branches with the better class of city customers. Mr. Moyes is a gentleman of practical experience in the trade, and highly respected by a large circle of patrons.
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