James Moore

James Moore, Wholesale and Retail Dairyman, 7 to 11, Avenue Road, Springburn.—

    There is no industry of modem times that shows a greater improvement in sanitary principles than that of milk supply ; and in this connection we have great pleasure in mentioning the well-ordered establishment of Mr. James Moore, wholesale and retail dairyman. This business was founded at the above address in 1885.

    The premises comprise a double-fronted shop, well fitted with trade utensils, and storerooms at the rear, where all goods are kept cool and fresh. A large stock of dairy products is kept constantly replenished, and includes, fresh butter churned daily, pure milk, nursery milk, cream, &c. A large wholesale trade is done, as well as retail. A special feature of the establishment is that all its sources of supply are under strict sanitary supervision ; consequently the customers may rely on the absolutely pure quality of all goods supplied. Warm milk is also supplied every morning and evening.

    Mr. J. Moore has a branch establishment in full operation at 394, Springburn Road, and has lately opened up a new branch at Alexandria Parade. The custom is very extensive indeed, and Mr. Moore enjoys the patronage of the best circles of the neighbourhood. He conducts his business in the most efficient and able manner, and is greatly respected by his numerous patrons for his prompt attention to all orders entrusted to him.

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