A. D. Miller & Co.

A. D. Miller & Co., Silversmiths, Electro Silver Platers, Gilders, and Nickel Platers, 50, Ropework Lane, near St. Enoch Station.—

    Practical electro-plating is thoroughly exemplified in this firm. Established in 1878, Messrs. Miller & Co. took premises at 33, Buchan St., SS., which they have occupied till the present year, but they have recently been compelled to remove to larger and more central premises in Ropework Lane. These latter premises comprise offices and workshops for carrying on their trade, which includes the electro silver, gilding, and nickel plating of plate and cutlery, coach and harness mountings, sewing machines, ship fittings, gasalier work, lamps, plumber’s fittings, &c.

    In addition to a large trade connection, Messrs. A. D. Miller & Co. do a great amount of work for shipbuilders (in fittings, &c.), and have a good customer trade in electro-plating sundry articles. Their reputation is due to Mr. Miller’s attention to minute details, and his thoroughly straightforward system of doing business.

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