A. & J. McLellan
A. & J. McLellan, Contractors, 15, Stanley Street and 44 , Oswald Street.—
That important adjunct to all commercial activity comprised in the general
cartage of merchandise is appropriately represented, by the well-known
establishment in this line, at 15, Stanley Street, conducted by Messrs. A & J.
McLellan, which was founded by them in 1878. Offices were subsequently opened
at 44, Oswald Street in 1880. The stables are still located at the original
address, and are well appointed in every detail. The working plant generally is
extensive and well found. The stables at 15, Stanley Street were rebuilt in
1887, owing to the increase of business.
They are the finest buildings in this trade in Glasgow, and are built of brick, ornamented with brick, which gives the building a splendid appearance. On the ground floor there is a covered-in yard with accommodation for lorries, &c. On the first flat there is stabling for forty-five horses, all well arranged and the latest improvements in all the different departments. On the second floor is the hayloft and granary, and also machinery for hay-cutting and mills for crushing the different grains. The stables have a splendid appearance from outside. Over forty horses, and an equal number of lorries and draymen, are permanently employed in the conduct of the business. The equipment of the vehicles is in every particular superior, and well adapted both, for light and heavy cartage work.
The organisation of the business is of a most thorough description, a private telephone being fixed between Oswald and Stanley Streets, in order to facilitate the execution of all orders left at either place. The official telephone number is 1509. The business is principally of a contract nature, yearly and other contracts being accepted from the leading grain and flour merchants in Glasgow and the vicinity. They also supply to firms for their exclusive use horses, lorries, and vans, with hirer’s name on machines. This style of late has been popular with large firms, who consider their business as well-conducted and much cheaper by hiring, reducing the inseparable losses entailed in keeping horses of their own. This firm has connections with the leading cabinet makers of this city, who entrust them with important removals, knowing the care and punctuality paid to same.
The partners are Mr. Andrew McLellan and Mr. James McLellan, both of whom are gentlemen of considerable experience in the business, and highly respected by a large circle of customers associated with the mercantile life of Glasgow.
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