James McInnally, Junr.
James McInnally, Junr., Grocer and Provision Merchant, 444, Rutherglen Road, and 1, Gilmour Street.—
A house of great celebrity in its line is that conducted by Mr. James McInnally, Junr., which was established by him at No. 9, Braehead Street in 1881, and removed to the present premises in 1886. The shop occupies a most prominent position at the comer of Rutherglen Road and Gilmour Street. The fittings are superior, and the emporium has an excellent street frontage.
The stock held, which is very large, consists of every description of grocery and provisions, the quality of which is guaranteed. Best fresh and salt butter are found in great perfection. Ham, cheese, coffees, sugars, &c., are also seen in grand display, and only need inspection to prove their high-class quality and rich flavouring properties. Jams, jellies, preserved goods, canned meats, and numerous other table delicacies are kept on hand, an attractive exhibition of which will be found in the spacious windows.
The great speciality, in which the house has made a high reputation, is, however, found in the importation of first-class teas direct from the great centres of the tea cultivating industries. The finest Indian teas are kept on hand in all their richness and strength, while the best growths of China are blended with experience and care.
The business is well organized. A very extensive local trade is conducted in all the branches of the business. The proprietor is a gentleman of practical experience, and occupies a sound position in the trade.
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