J. & A. McFarlane

J. & A. McFarlane, Domestic Machinery Manufacturers, Albert Works, Houldsworth Street, Cranstonhill.—

    The well-known house of Messrs. J. & A. McFarlane, proprietors of Albert Works in Houldsworth and Port Streets, Cranstonhill, holds a high position as a representative Glasgow concern in the branch of industrial activity with which it is associated. This notable firm commenced operations in 1870 under the present title of J. & A. McFarlane, the founders of the concern being the two gentlemen whose names are severally indicated in that style.

    The industry has been most ably and vigorously developed under this enterprising proprietary, and the Albert Works have now a standard reputation and a widespread fame as a first-rate productive source for laundry, dairy, and domestic machines and utensils, as well as all kinds of coopery and wood turnery. They have long been famous for their household mangles and wringing machines.

    Besides the Albert works, the Messrs. McFarlane have large reserve stores, conveniently situated in Cranston Street and Elmbank Lane. In the latter they hold a complete stock of seasoned timber suitable for their various manufactures, it being a most creditable point with them that all goods sent out will be of thoroughly seasoned material. The works are extensive, forming a hollow rectangle 1,500 square yards in area, with open space in centre, giving excellent yard facilities. The mechanical equipment is of the most elaborate and effective order, and a large staff of mechanics, machine men, turners, joiners, and coopers are employed in the various departments of the business. They have carefully and perseveringly developed their industry in all descriptions of domestic woodware, and their numerous and most useful productions are all completed by specially adapted machinery on American principles.

    In domestic machinery and wooden ware Messrs. McFarlane hold the most extensive stock both in quantity and variety in Scotland, and they have recently prepared a sample-room contiguous to their counting-house, where they exhibit specimens of all the different articles they produce and deal in, so that customers and other visitors will find in display a full range of the goods mentioned in the firm’s catalogue. This catalogue commands a word or two of remark, inasmuch as the space at the disposal of the present brief sketch precludes any extended enumeration of Messrs. McFarlane’s host of valuable, novel, and noteworthy specialities. The catalogue is decidedly one of the neatest and best got up works of the kind that could be desired. It is a book in every sense of the word, beautifully printed, with title-page in gold and colours, elaborately illustrated with excellent woodcuts, handsomely bound and gilt lettered, printed on fine paper, and packed with information and full details respecting the manufactures of the house. Altogether the catalogue is a distinct credit to the printer, the bookbinder, the compiler, and the firm under the auspices of whose policy of spirited enterprise it has been brought out and published. It cannot fail to be of the greatest convenience to the customers of the firm, and has both utility and elegant appearance to recommend and preserve it from the loss or destruction which too frequently befalls even the most elaborate and laboriously compiled works of this kind.

    Messrs. McFarlane are extensive importers of the best classes of Continental and American goods in their line, and in the latter country they have a resident buyer. They are contractors to the Admiralty, and are at present busily engaged executing a large order for articles required on board her Majesty’s ships. They have been specially appointed agents for Messieurs. E. Mouroy et Cie., Paris (seltzogenes), and also for a first-class Vienna house in fancy brass goods. They do business only with the trade, and send their goods all over the three kingdoms. Their commercial connections are especially valuable and well founded in London, where a large and always increasing demand exists for goods of the McFarlane brand ; and with the vigorous enterprise that has always characterised the conduct of this representative business, important and influential export trading relations are being steadily and continuously opened up and established in all the British colonies.

    Before closing this brief sketch it may be remarked that the variety of articles manufactured by the firm on their own premises enables them to make the fullest use of their machinery, and prevents the waste of material ; while the business of the various departments can be more economically carried on under one commercial system, and no doubt a much wider connection formed than where the manufacturers confine themselves to the production of one or two specialities. They are showing all their leading lines at the forthcoming exhibition at Melbourne. Mr. G. H. Adams, of Flinders Street in that city, is their Australian representative.

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