A. McCracken & Co.
A. McCracken & Co., Warehousemen, 40, St. Vincent Place.—
Among the principal firms in Glasgow that are described under the heading of warehousemen a very leading position is taken by that of Messrs. A. McCracken & Co., a well-known house that has been in existence a considerable number of years. It was originally established about 1874 at the above address. Here the firm occupy a very large flat that includes all the usual warehouses, offices, counting-house, and the other departments of a similar description.
In addition to the Glasgow establishment the firm have also a branch at 3, Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, which is the medium of a very large trade. Altogether the business is a very large and extensive one, and the trade is done in districts that include the whole of Scotland and a great part of the North of England. An efficient staff of travellers represent the firm in all directions, and the business is conducted with great energy and enterprise in every detail.
The firm deal in a great variety of goods ; in fact, such a wide scope of operations is covered by their business that any attempt at detail would be almost impracticable. A very important branch or department of the trade is that of silks for tailoring purposes, in which a large business is done, the chief varieties comprising coloured and black silks, satins, &c. Velvets are also largely dealt in, and include all colours and varieties. The firm also supply a considerable quantity of the material termed Italians, glissades and other Bradford goods used by first-class tailors. Fancy wool and worsted linings are a large business with them. Cotton goods are a leading feature and include many different descriptions. Linens are also largely dealt in, and this department also includes hair cloths, &c.
Leaving the branch of the trade that is connected with piece goods, the next that engages attention is braids, Prussian bindings, machine silks, twists, and linen threads, in which a very large trade is done. The firm also deal in buttons in every variety, such as mohair buttons, ivory, vulcanite, bone and metal buttons, &c. This is a very important and extensive department, in which the stock is very varied. The principal remaining features of the trade consist of buckles, clasps, hooks, &c., while a large business is also done in various sundries, as for instance, wadding, tape, cotton reels, and a host of other things of a like nature.
Messrs. McCracken & Co. have devoted their entire attention to supplying their numerous patrons with the most superior articles that can be obtained, and they have thus become widely renowned for the exceptional quality of their goods. The trade is very extensive, and is widely increasing in every direction. The reputation of the firm is certainly unsurpassed by any house in the trade, and a well-merited success has been achieved.
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