Robert Maver & Son

Robert Maver & Son, Pianoforte Warehouse, 11, Renfield Street.—

    This is one of the most thriving firms in Glasgow, and was originally founded in 1845 at premises in West Nile Street It has since been removed to a very elegant and commodious establishment at the present address, where the firm have a very spacious warehouse and saloon, the whole comprising a large building of three flats. There are two magnificently fitted saloons, one on the ground floor and the other above.

    The stock naturally includes a very large supply of music, instruments, &c., which embrace iron grands and upright iron grands, Eolian and pedal pianos for organ, practice, a now patent pedal harmonium with folding removable pedals, American organs with two keyboards suitable for drawing-room, church, or hall, and patent folding stands for orchestral purposes. The pianofortes are all the work of the best makers. This remark also applies to harmoniums, and equally so to American organs, now rapidly taking the place of harmoniums. Messrs. Maver & Son are the sole agents in the district for Clough and Warren organs. These are exceptionally good instruments, and in tone nearly approach that of an ordinary organ. Messrs. Maver are also sole agents for Messrs. Chappell’s celebrated Eolian pianofortes, a combination of pianoforte and American organ. They can easily be played, either as an organ or as a pianoforte, or as a combination of the two instruments.

    Messrs. Maver keep a large stock of music, and also publish a collection of Scottish and Irish melodies in a very elegant form. The firm command a large trade in every department, and employ a numerous and efficient staff, among whom special note must be taken of their tuners, who are all practical and able men. The business is very ably conducted and is widely renowned among the most influential classes.

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