James Linton
James Linton, Plaster and Cement Worker, 233, Hope Street.—
Amongst the many highly important industries for which the city of Glasgow is so famous, not the least valuable and interesting is that carried on by Mr. James Linton, patent granite paver, plasterer, and cement worker. It is ten years ago that this business was established by Mr. James Linton and Mr. John Davidson in the present extensive and commodious premises, which comprise a large double shop, occupying a commanding corner position, with large workshop and stores attached. On the retirement of Mr. Davidson, three years ago, Mr. Linton became the sole proprietor. Employment is given to upwards of one hundred workmen.
The business consists in the execution of all kinds of plaster-modelling, cement work, granite paving, and fireproof floors. Mr. James Linton’s patent granite paving fulfils all the ideal conditions of such a material ; it is, moreover, strongly recommended by architects as being better and much cheaper than Arbroath or Caithness paving for footpaths, courts, areas, stables, byres, and coach-houses. The connections of the firm are well founded upon the eminent reputation it has so long enjoyed, and the trade controlled is of a widespread, influential, and rapidly growing character.
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