Laidlaw & Co.
Laidlaw & Co., Manufacturers of Tobacco Juice, Tobacco Powder, Tobacco Paste, and Sheep-dipping Composition, 29, Waterloo Street ; works at 28, York Street.—
The firm of Messrs. Laidlaw & Co. is the largest in this line of business in Great Britain, and has been established for twenty-five years. Their works were originally situated at 66, Warrock Street, but they have recently removed to their present establishment at 28, York Street. The premises there consist of a three-storied building, fitted throughout with all the most approved and modern appliances for the conduct of their large and increasing trade. Their business is that of manufacturers of tobacco juice, tobacco powder, tobacco paste, and sheep-dipping composition, and is conducted by special grant of the Board of Customs under bond of Her Majesty’s Customs.
Their trade operations extend not only throughout the wide area of Scottish and North of England sheep-breeding districts, but also to the unlimited tracts of land devoted to the same purpose in South America. Their export trade is of considerable dimensions, and their goods find their way to foreign markets other than those in the continent we have mentioned. The firm do not confine their business to sheep-dipping composition manufacture, but are general merchants and shippers of wines, spirits, and other goods, and are well known in both home and foreign markets. They have recently established a branch business in Buenos Ayres under the style of Mackill, Murray & Co. Their offices are at 29, Waterloo Street. The members of Laidlaw & Co. are Mr. Robert, Mr. John, and Mr. Alexander Mackill.
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