John Jackson

John Jackson, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Wine Merchant, 61, Victoria Road, Crosshill.—

    When adulteration is so rife, and trade competition is cutting down qualities, it is a good thing for a district to have in it a merchant who will ensure families who trade with him having only goods of best quality and absolute purity. Such a merchant has the district of Queen’s Park in Mr. John Jackson, who, in the carrying on of his large family grocery and wine and spirit business, has shown that it is possible to give first-class goods at a moderate price. This business was established about nine years ago in these premises by Mr. George M. Craig, who was succeeded some time ago by the present proprietor, Mr. John Jackson.

     The premises consist of double shop, provided with large back shop and ample cellarage. The large plate glass windows admit of a first-class display, while the interior of the shop is tastefully fitted up. The ceilings and walls are lined with wood painted cream colour, while the shelving is extensive, and the fittings composed for the most part of mahogany. The stock shown is of a very choice description, while the prices show remarkable moderation.

    There are all descriptions of provision goods, tea, sugar, butter, &c., &c, while the wine and spirit department has an exceedingly fine stock. In old Highland whiskies the “Queen’s Park Blend” has attained something more than local fame. This is a fine-flavoured whisky, thoroughly matured, being bonded for upwards of five years, is uniform in quality and free from all impurities. In wines and brandies extra good value is also given, while the general stock of spirits kept on hand is of a very high class. The famed leading tea, at 2s. per pound, is really excellent value.

    The trade conducted here is of a high-class character, Mr. Jackson having secured a wide connection. The management of the business is excellent.

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