Walter Hubbard

Walter Hubbard, Baker, Downie Place, Partick.—

    The business carried on by Mr. Hubbard is one of the oldest about Glasgow, and is still one of the leading first-class businesses there, or, indeed, in Scotland. It was founded in 1847, and is still in the hands of the gentleman by whom it was established. Since starting, a very large trade has gradually developed, and Mr. Hubbard’s productions are celebrated over a very wide area, branch shops having been established at Hillhead and Queen’s Park, while the districts round Glasgow for miles in each direction are supplied by vans.

    All branches of baking, purveying, &c., are carried on at each of Mr. Hubbard’s establishments, each being a complete bakery by itself, but the original establishment at Partick, greatly enlarged to suit the requirements of the business, serves as a central depot where stores are kept, and where wholesale business is principally carried on. Each of these places is well adapted for baking purposes, and they are all completely fitted with all necessaries for carrying on a large and high-class trade, and present a very different appearance from the general idea of a baker’s premises, being all light, clean, and airy, and having sanitary matters attended to in the most thorough manner.

    Mr. Hubbard has gained a great reputation for his success in bread-making. The work is all done by hand, and the quality of the goods supplied to the public is proved by the extent of the trade and the continual increase in the number of patrons, who have the satisfaction of knowing that their bread is made in the most careful manner by workmen whose comfort is carefully studied, and who are not worked on the slavish system of night-work so prevalent now.

    Mr. Hubbard does a large trade as confectioner, purveyor, &c., and his name has been specially noted for many years in connection with the manufacture of rusks, a speciality which is known throughout Great Britain and in many of the colonies, &c. These, being intended as food for infants and invalids, are made in the most careful manner from selected materials, and their quality has always been their best advertisement. In all branches of Mr. Hubbard’s business particular attention has always been given to the purity of the materials used and to cleanliness in their manufacture, and to proceeding on these sound principles much of his success is due. Much energy and ability have also been displayed in the management of the business, and it now occupies a deservedly leading place among first-class baking businesses in Great Britain.

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