Horn & Connell
Horn & Connell, Printers, 42, Argyle Street, and 12, Miller Street.—
The printing trade of Glasgow is very ably represented in the well-known firm of
Messrs. Horn & Connell. The rapid development of the trade forms a very special
feature in this
business. The reason of the success of the establishment is not far to seek ;
both proprietors having been brought up to different branches of the business,
they are in every sense
practical, and have thus gained a reputation that extends to all parts of the
The premises in which the business is carried on are located at 42, Argyle Street, with an entrance at 12, Miller Street, and consist of two large continuous flats and attics. The work includes all branches of letterpress printing and lithographing, and for the execution of this class of work the establishment is admirably fitted with the most improved modern forms of machinery and plant. They have also a large stereotype foundry fitted up on the latest principles to expedite the execution of large orders. A large number of hands are engaged in the various departments, the average number of employees being about seventy. The work is executed under the careful supervision of the proprietors, who guarantee that every order shall be executed in the very best style.
Every kind of commercial printing is undertaken, in addition to the various branches of lithography, &c. The firm have several exceptionally superior specimens of their artistic work. In this direction Messrs. Horn and Connell undertake large and important contracts to supply public companies, banks, trade and insurance societies, their work in this direction being very extensive and varied. They also print and publish various works which have met with great success. The firm do an extensive trade in producing railway tourists’ guide-books. They are beautifully printed and well got up, having very attractive lithographic covers, the wood blocks being well drawn and engraved, and the letterpress all that could be desired. They have large circulations, and are, therefore, a first-class medium, by the way, for advertising.
Messrs. Horn & Connell are not only the enterprising printers of the above description of work, but have made an enviable reputation for themselves in one, two, and three-colour posters—especially three-coloured posters for railway companies, steamboats, notably transatlantic liners. They have recently been very busy in executing railway posters for the spring holiday season, and their bills are seen and admired all over Great Britain and Ireland—in fact, they have made this class of work a speciality, and what Mr. James Wilkinson, of Manchester, is to England, so this firm is to Scotland. We do not wonder at the extent and importance of this branch of their business, for this being an age of social and commercial progress, characterised by active energy and vast competition, it necessarily follows that it must be an age of advertisement. Certainly in giving an impulse to a trade or an article there is nothing better for accomplishing a desired end than judicious advertisement. Special machinery has to be employed for this work, and the firm have gained considerable renown in this direction. A very large connection is maintained throughout the district generally, and the business, which is admirably managed in every detail, is one of the foremost in the trade.
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