Alexander Hope, jun. & Co.
Alexander Hope, jun. & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Coatbridge Street.—
The chemical manufactures carried on in this city bulk largely amongst its many industries, and to the growth and development of this branch of commerce Glasgow is in a great measure indebted for the high position it holds as the second city of the empire. A thoroughly representative firm engaged in this line of business is that of Alexander Hope, jun. & Co.
The firm is one of the oldest and best known in the district, their record dating back as far as 1843. The works, which have been added to from time to time, are now most complete, and are fitted up with all the most modern appliances for the production of the firm’s various preparations. These products consist chiefly of chemicals for calico printers, bleachers, dyers, &c., sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acid. The firm do a large business in local and country districts throughout Scotland, and are large shippers of acids to all parts of the world.
Mr. James Johnston, the sole partner, is a gentleman well known in commercial circles, is a Justice of the Peace for the county of Lanark, and for a term of years was a magistrate in the burgh of Rutherglen, within which his residence is situated.
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