Peter Holmes

Peter Holmes, Coach Builder, 8, Cook Street, and 108 and 110, Eglinton Street.—

    There is scarcely any branch of manufacturing industry in which greater improvements have been made than in the construction of carriages. In reviewing this branch, of industry the old-established and well-known firm of Mr. Peter Holmes comes prominently before our notice, and by reason of its eminent position in the trade is specially worthy of notice. The business was established in the year 1869, and is carried on in very extensive premises, consisting of large workshops and showrooms, which have from time to time been enlarged and extended to meet the requirements of the increasing business. Mr. Holmes has rented larger premises at Nos. 337 and 339, St. Vincent Street West, to which he removes next term.

    A large staff of workmen is constantly employed, comprising body makers, smiths, fitters, carriage-makers, painters, wheelwrights, trimmers, &c., and wherever practicable, to produce better work or to minimise the cost, labour-saving machinery has been adopted. In the show-rooms are displayed many beautiful specimens of this firm’s manufacture, comprising broughams, laundaus, whitechapel carts, dog carts, victorias, cabs for medical gentlemen and others, the International Polo Cart, and the "Reversible Stanhope Waggonette”. These two latter vehicles are the special invention of Mr. Holmes, and have met with a most pronounced success.

    Mr. Holmes possesses the advantage of having had a thorough practical training, having learnt his trade in some of the best coach-building establishments in America. He has introduced here the American buggies in all their various designs, and was the first coach-builder in Scotland who made reversible wagonettes to weigh less than four cwts. The connections of this firm are well founded upon the eminent reputation it has always enjoyed, and the trade controlled is of a widespread, influential, and steadily growing character. The house exhibits at Stall 642 at the Glasgow International Exhibition.

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