Mr. Thomas Harris

Mr. Thomas Harris, Carver and Gilder, Picture and Show-Card Frame Manufacturer, 310, Paisley Road.—

    The semi-mediaeval art of the carver, gilder, and frame manufacturer is appropriately represented by the well-known house conducted by Mr. Thomas Harris, which was established by him at the present address in 1882.

    The ground floor of the premises is retained for the well-appointed sale shop, contiguous to which are the glass and moulding store and workshops. A first-class working plant is held, and a large stock of mahogany, walnut, oak, and many other chosen hard-wood mouldings. Carving and gilding are executed in the most recherche styles. A large and comprehensive stock of artists’ materials are also held.

    The carving and gilding, done by the house, on close investigation will prove to be of no ordinary merit. The trade is very widespread, and particularly well established among the better class of patrons. Mr. Harris is a practical tradesman, and of high status in the trade.

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