Thomas Gordon

Thomas Gordon, Tea Merchant, 92, Gallowgate.—

    There is no article of everyday consumption for which there is such an enormous demand as tea. The rich buyer, who can afford the best the market can produce, has grown as critical over the flavour of his tea as he is over the quality of his wine ; and even the poorest consumer, who cannot afford to pay the best price, has grown quite unsatisfied with anything approaching the poorest quality. To combine the supply of tea of high quality and low price has been the problem of the tea merchant, and few have solved the problem so well as Mr. Thomas Gordon, who carries on business at the foregoing address.

    In these premises Mr. Gordon has conducted his business for ten years, having established his trade in 1878. During this time he has had ample experience of all branches of the tea trade, and has succeeded in forming a capital connection, both wholesale and retail, not only in Glasgow but for thirty miles around. At 70, Gallowgate, there is ample accommodation for the carrying on of a large trade. The premises consist of two floors taken up with shop, office, mixing and store rooms, where the various branches of the business are very effectively conducted.

    As showing the enterprise of the proprietor, it is interesting to note that he has this year instituted a guessing competition amongst his customers, which, being somewhat unique, may be deemed of general interest. In the window of his shop Mr. Gordon has placed a glass jar, which jar has been filled with peas and sealed in the presence of witnesses. Customers are invited to guess the number of peas in this jar, each pound of tea bought entitling the buyer to one guess. Twenty pounds of tea gives buyer twenty guesses, and so on. Mr. Gordon promises to give to the party who guesses correct number of peas in jar (or failing a correct guesser, the nearest thereto) a present of £50 in gold, to the next nearest guesser £10 in gold, the next £5, and to the next thirty-five guessers he gives £1 each. The jar will be opened in the end of 1888 and the names of the fortunate parties advertised in the Glasgow evening papers for eight days. This competition is being eagerly entered into by Mr. Gordon’s customers, and may be taken as an example of the ingenuity and push which is brought to bear upon the management of this business.

    Mr. Gordon’s tea at 1s. 9d. per lb. is well-known for its sterling value, and the trade is rapidly extending in Glasgow and in the vicinity.

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