D. Carmichael
D. Carmichael, Tobacconist, 106, Queen Street (opposite Royal Exchange).—
This is one of the most popular establishments in Glasgow in its particular branch of trade, and it has an unsurpassed reputation among a very influential circle of patrons. Mr. Carmichael has catered for his customers in a very admirable manner. The premises in which the business has been carried on for over twenty-eight years consists of a handsomely fitted shop, and is heavily stocked. The establishment has gained a first-class reputation for the admirable quality of the cigars supplied. The proprietor not only deals in the very best qualities of British manufactured goods, but he also imports largely all the most renowned and popular brands of foreign cigars, and keeps a valuable stock. Cigarettes likewise form a very important feature of the trade, the stock including a large supply of Turkish and Egyptian goods. A very large trade is done in tobaccos, both loose and in packet.
A very considerable amount of business is also done in what are known as tobacconists’ fancy goods, such as pipes^cigar-holders, cases, tobacco-pouches, and the other numerous requisites that tend to the comfort of the smoker. The establishment was founded as far back as 1848, and is one of the most thriving and successful in the trade.
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