John Ballantyne

John Ballantyne, Bakers’ Utensil Maker, 44, Trongate.—

    The family of the Messrs. Ballantyne have the records of a century’s business transactions in their possession. The grandfather of the present proprietor of the firm, Mr. John Ballantyne, established the business in the High Street, adjacent to the present premises, to which it was removed some twenty years ago. The present proprietor, Mr. John Ballantyne, has been in possession of the business for forty years, during which time he has conducted it with marked success.

    The premises here consist of a large workshop well fitted up with all the necessary appliances for the manufacture of bakers’ utensils. Mr. Ballantyne’s trade in these requisites is very large and widespread, and it is needless to say that the firm is well known, having a reputation throughout the country rooted in the strength of a century’s operations. Everything applicable to this trade is manufactured here — rods and mouths, stabs, pans, setters, and sponge tubs, small bread and loaf-drawers, &c., and a catalogue of promiscuous articles used in the baking trade.

    The proprietor enjoys the full respect due to a long and honourable career.

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