W. G. Back
W. G. Back, Velvet 8s Silk Merchant, 12, Miller Street.—
One of the leading houses in its line in Glasgow is that presided over by Mr. W. G. Back, who has in a comparatively few years developed a very large and important trade. A glance at the list of firms he represents will easily prove this. They include Alfred Münch, of Gera, cashmere manufacturer ; C. F. Schmieder, of Meerane, fancy dress goods manufacturer ; Messrs. Park, Hudson & Co., of Bradford, dress goods ; Messrs. R. D. Warburg & Co., of Roubaix, dress goods ; Kirshaw and Swindells, of Macclesfield, silk handkerchiefs ; F. Bovenschen, of Crefeld, velvet ; Gebr Verhülsdonk, of Crefeld, velvet ; Vogier L’Duplan, of Lyons, silk manufacturer ; and others. All these are leading firms, and Mr. Back is their sole representative in Scotland.
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