Archibald Anderson

Archibald Anderson, Wholesale and Shipping Butcher, 90, Paisley Road, West.—

    The subject of this notice, Mr. Archibald Anderson, commenced business in the year 1873. He is a wholesale and shipping butcher, and is doing a most excellent first-class trade. Although he does a moderate wholesale and likewise shipping trade, his great speciality is the family business, and in this branch he is largely patronised by a most substantial and respectable class of customers. He slaughters only the primest animals ; hence meat sold by him can always be relied upon, and all orders are executed with care, punctuality, and dispatch. Both Mr. Anderson and his assistants act upon the courteous and obliging principle, and, as a result the establishment has become popular with every one who enters it. Mr. Anderson is moderate in his prices in spite of the prime quality of his goods.

    Mr. Anderson has branch establishments at 319, Argyle Street, Glasgow ; 24, Harmony Row, Govan ; 21, Victoria Street, Govan, and at Mossend, Bellshill, which are worked on similar lines to this one, which have proved equally successful.

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