Robert H. Agnew

Robert H. Agnew, Wholesale Cabinet Manufacturer, 381, Argyle Street.—

    One of the most attractive-looking establishments in Glasgow, is that presided over by Mr. Robert H. Agnew, who is widely noted throughout the Glasgow district as a wholesale cabinet manufacturer and upholsterer. The business was established by Mr. Robert H. Agnew, and the premises occupied are those he has lately acquired, owing to the great increase of business. They comprise a very spacious and commanding building of four large flats, fitted throughout in the most commodious style with patent lifts, &c. The whole of the establishment is heavily stocked with high-class furniture, arranged in a most effective manner. The front staircase is a very noticeable feature in the building, being of most chaste design in iron and woodwork.

    The business includes all branches of house furnishing, and the stock comprises the very best dining-room, drawing-room, and bedroom suites, library, parlour, and office furniture, &c. A very important feature of the trade consists of the special fine oak dining-room suite, in real morocco leather, hair stuffed. This suite consists of couch, ladyÂ’s and gentÂ’s easy chair, six small chairs, sideboard, telescope table, &c. The upholstery department is also a leading feature of the business, and includes a choice selection of tapestry and lace curtains, carpets, rugs, &c.

    Mr. Agnew is essentially practical in his methods of management, and has devoted his whole time and energy to the business. He has been rewarded by achieving a success that is unsurpassed by any similar firm in the trade. Among the patrons of the house are the Duke of Hamilton and the Duke of Argyle.

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